“Of all the instruments of emancipation, Love is supreme.” So wrote the 9th century yogic sage, Shankaracharya who spread the philosophy of Advaita Vedanta: the doctrine of unity. Moksha is the
We were listening to the Bhagavad Gita being chanted, and i put it on for a reason. The Bhagavad Gita is pretty much all you would ever really need to follow the path of Yoga. Its name means the “Song
The Glance of Shiva To the Trinity be praise!God is music, God is lifeThat nurtures every creature in its kind.Our God is the song of the angel throngAnd the splendor of secret ways,Hid from all
Yama and Nachiketa On Tues. we were talking about death, resurrection, and immortality because it comes up a lot in spiritual texts, in yogic texts and of course in the Easter story. Also, because
Breathing Awareness The core of meditation techniques the world over is breathing awareness. Awareness of the breath refines the mind and leads it into a state of meditation. You will find that
There’s an article in today’s Science Times about kidneys that we may find interesting from a yogic point of view. The kidneys filter impurities from the blood, impurities which are then eliminated. Yoga itself is a purgatory or purifying movement and practice. So we do yoga to purify, eliminate toxins physical, mental and even spiritual. […]
One who chants Om, which is the closest form of Brahman, approaches Brahman. This liberates one from the fear of the material world. – Rig Veda, circa 1500 BC Rare is the yogic text or scripture that does not extoll Om as a method of Self realization. You will find there that Om is sometimes […]
You will find that intention on liberation is the means to it. When this intention is full no other means is necessary. But when intention is weak what is the use of a thousand means? Therefore the principal means to liberation is intention alone.” – Tripura Rahasya. (date unknown) There is an interesting story of […]
Thank you so much for this lovely profound meditation on Vision.
I’m having eye surgery tomorrow and this helped me relax and go deeper into my own personal vision and recognition. It was good to see the Eye of Horus. I have that tattooed on the back of my neck.
Could you please send me information for you Zoom & in-person meditations?
Wishing you so many Blessings,
Maria K.
Maria, i just saw this kind comment – i trust your surgery went well and if you dont mind, will place your email address on the list. May blessings to you!