Introduction To The Tantric Teachings On Vibration
Session I https://vimeo.com/631063939/bf8d94fd21
Session II https://vimeo.com/637235806/cc6f372226
Session III https://vimeo.com/639568601/b6aad2f185
Tuesdays, October 12, 19 & 26, 2021 | 7–8:30pm ET | $20 a session
Spanda, OM, Nada, Logos, Pranava: these terms denote the vibrational source energy that is pursued, lauded and extolled in diverse wisdom traditions.
In three sessions, explore the significance of vibration, sound and word as a central tenet of world contemplative practices, and experiment with Tantric methods of Kashmiri Shaivism that use vibration as a vehicle for entering unitive awareness.
Session 1 (Oct. 12): Listening with the Whole Body
Survey the role of vibration and sound in global origin stories and in contemporary science-based cosmology.
Utilize simple seated postures and Yoga breathing processes to fine tune sensitivity to subtle vibration.
Connect with the primal power of vocalization and sound described in Vedic, Buddhist and Tantric texts & learn how to apply it in your meditation practice.
Understand the physiologic underpinnings of the capacity of vibration to transform mental and emotional affect.
Session 2 (Oct. 19): Mind and Mantra
Speech, language and Meaning: a primer on the linguistic mysticism of Kashmiri Shaivism.
Mantra – what it is and how to use it effectively.
Remove deep seated conceptual obstacles and amplify personal power by exploring the seed mantras attributed to the chakras.
Session 3 (Oct. 26): The Ocean of Vibration
Learn to recognize and relax into the pervasive vibratory Spanda.
Practice radically simple awareness techniques suggested in the texts of Kashmiri Shaivism: The Vijnana Bhiarava Tantra, The Pratyavhijna Hrdayam and The Shiva Sutras.
Explore the profound teachings of the Kularnava Tantra, “the Oceanic Teachings,” of the Ham Sah mantra.
Use the breath to refresh your connection to universal energy.